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merriam webster

1 Translation result for surpass in Spanish


surpass verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
surpassed, has surpassed, is surpassing, surpasses
superar, exceder, rebasar, sobrepasar

Example sentences of
surpass verb

  • Attendance is expected to surpass last year's record.
  • Last quarter, sales surpassed two million.
  • His work regularly surpasses all expectations.

Synonyms of
surpass verb

Detailed synonyms for surpass verb

See: Exceed
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Reverse translation for surpass

superar  - to surpass, to exceed, to overcome, to surmount 
exceder  - to exceed, to surpass 
rebasar  - to surpass, to exceed, to pass, to overtake 
sobrepasar  - to exceed, to surpass